Sunday, January 29, 2012


This is one of the smallest babies I have been able to photograph and it was so fun! Only 1 week old. He was so smiley and happy, it was so fun to be able to spend this time with him and his wonderful parents!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


The Carson Clan

There aren't many things more fun than taking pictures of your own family! I had some help from my fabulous sister-in-law Madison!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Brecklyn and Brinley

The Kings

This is one of the most fabulous families, and super photogenic!


This is my beautiful sister-in-law. I wish I had some of those curls!

Sydney 3 Months

This is one of my best friend's little girl. Isn't she beautiful!? Thank you for sharing her with me!

The Peterson Family